Nature's Valley, a group exhibition at COSAR, Düsseldorf 16.11.–11.01.2025
Notes on Fossils, Ruins and Difficult Objects. A review of the contemporary Estonian photography exhibition ‘Form as Function’ at the Prospektas Gallery in Vilnius. Echo Gone Wrong 29.11.
Form as Function, curated by Paulius Petraitis at Prospekto Gallery, Vilnius, 01.11–30.11.
Opening 31 Oct at 5:30 2 pm
Showroom: Sweat and Dust, Kogo Gallery, Tartu 08.08.–24.08.
Paul Kuimet 'Crystal Grid', solo exhibition at COSAR, Düsseldorf 17.05.–05.07.
Do I Know What It Is, From Which None Can Escape / Crystal Grid
Marge Monko / Paul Kuimet at Tique.Art
Urmas Ploomipuu geomeetriline realism. Kokkupuuted ja peegeldused at Rüki gallery, Viljandi. 27.04.–09.06.
Opening 27 April at 2 pm
Paul Kuimet 'Crystal Grid' Book Launch Tour, Spring 2024: Helsinki / New York / Düsseldorf
Crystal Grid available through Lugemik.

Triinu Soikmets, Kusagil struktuurides on kallutatud jõud. Sirp 22.12.
Janar Ala, Olla digitaalne raha või mitte – selles on küsimus. Postimees 24.11.
Photoreportage from the exhibition 'Crystal Grid' at Draakon gallery. Echo Gone Wrong
Paul Kuimet 'Crystal Grid', solo exhibition at Draakon Gallery 31.10.–25.11. and book presentation at Kanuti Gildi SAAL 23.11. at 6 pm.
Paul Kuimet and Tõnis Saadoja. 'Landscape Passes Through the House'. Curated by Eero Epner. Tartu Art Museum 18.03.–27.08.2023
Kultuuris kuum podcast. Fotokunstnik Paul Kuimet: keegi pole öelnud, et loometöö peaks olema lihtne. 22.06.2023
Through landscape. Interview with Paul Kuimet. FK Magazine
Photo reportage from the exhibition 'Landscape Passes Through the House' by Paul Kuimet and Tõnis Saadoja at the Tartu Art Museum
Anti Saar, Mul on sinu järele igav, Postimees, 14.04.2023
Paul Kuimet: avalikus sfääris on iga kunstiline žest poliitiliselt laetud
Eero Epner, Maastik kulgeb läbi maja, KESKUS

8th Artishok Biennial.
Fri, 30.09, 6:00 pm
PAUL KUIMET “What It Is To Be What You Are Not”
Tallinn Botanic Garden, Palm House
Material Aspects screened at 25 Fps Film Festival, Zagreb. Thu 22.09. 16:00 Baltic Analog Lab programme curated by Ieva Balode
Growing Out? Growing Up? Contemporary Art Collecting in the Baltics, Zuzeum Art Centre, Riga
04.06. – 20.11.2022
ELAV RUUM: Kunstnik Paul Kuimeti film ja loeng klaasist kui materjalist
Interview with Ben Caro at Apertura Institute.
FOKU - Sale of works for the benefit of the victims of the war in Ukraine.

Echo Gone Wrong: Photo reportage from the solo show 'Sidewalks and Desktops' by Paul Kuimet at WIELS Project Room, Brussels
Sidewalks and Desktops, solo exhibition at WIELS Project Room. Oct 13 – 31 / Book presentation of Compositions with Passing Time at Oct 13 at 18:00
Foto Tallinn 2021 & book presentations of Paul Kuimet 'Compositons with Passing Time' (Lugemik) and Walter Benn Michaels, 'The Beauty of a Social Problem. Photography, Autonomy, Economy' (EKA). Sept 2 18:00 at Kai Art Center
Material Aspects (2020) screened as part of Baltic Experimental programme at Process Experimental Film Festival 2021
20 August, 18:00 Nurme Brewerey, Riga
If Air Can Be Poured Like a Liquid, solo exhibition at FUGA: Budapest Center of Architecture, 8.07.–01.08.2021
Art Mirror: Paul Kuimet at FUGA: Budapest Center of Architecture
Echo Gone Wrong: Photo reportage from solo exhibition If Air Could Be Poured Like a Liquid at FUGA: Budapest Center of Architecture
when the light hits just right, Filmwerkstaden 2021
Conversations: Analogue Fidelity with Mike Sperlinger and Malena Szlam
Observing Power, an exhibition curated by Ingel Vaikla, Estonian Museum of Architecture, Tallinn 19.05.–29.08.2021
Compositions with Passing Time available from Lugemik Publishing
Book presentation Lugemik@PMVABF: Compositions with Passing Time with Paul Kuimet & Anthea Buys. 25 Feb 11am EST / 18.00 Estonian time

20 August, 18:00 Nurme Brewerey, Riga

Intervjuu Sten Ojaveega, Paul Kuimet: "Pean ennast kõigepealt kodanikuks ja alles siis kunstnikuks." Postimees 05.12.
Neeme Lopp, Relapse into the matrix, KUNST.EE 3/2020
A Brief History of Scaffolding / SE Screens, New Viewings, curated by Alfredo Cramerotti, Galerie Barbara Thumm
Screening of Material Aspects & artist talk with Jaak Tomberg, Kogo Gallery, Tartu, Sept 5 at 3 pm
Husa / Crystal Grid, duo exhibition by Mari-Leen Kiipli and Paul Kuimet. Kogo Gallery, Tartu 06.08.–05.09.
Opening 05.08. 5 pm.
Echo Gone Wrong: Photo reportage from the exhibition by Mari-Leen Kiipli and Paul Kuimet at the Kogo Gallery
Kaisa Eiche, Liblikaefekt, Sirp 28.08.
Klassikaraadio Suveduur 13.08.2020: Paul Kuimet räägib oma fotokollaažide seeriast “Kristallsõrestik”
Mihkel Ilus and Paul Kuimet. 'Endless Story'. Curated by Siim Preiman. Tallinn Art Hall 07.03–31.05.
Karin Paulus, Rohkem klaasi, karulauku ja kuradirattaid! Eesti Ekspress 27.05.
Laur Kaunissaare, Piirangud ei kao. Sirp 22.05.2020
Indrek Tark, Nüüdiaeg on jama, aga selleta ka ei saa. Eesti Päevaleht 18.05.2020
Virtual exhibition of Endless Story. Curated by Siim Preiman. Tallinn Art Hall
Echo Gone Wrong: Photo reportage from the exhibition 'Five Volumes' by Paul Kuimet at EKA gallery, Tallinn
Paul Kuimet: Five Volumes, solo exhibition at EKA Gallery, 4–25 Jan 2020.
Opening 3 Jan, 6 pm

A Space for Experimental Film, an interview with Ingel Vaikla & Jesse Cummings, Estonian Art 19/2
Narva Art Residency / Paul Kuimet at Art Fair Foto Tallinn, Sept 27–29, Kai Art Center
Sleep Through the Present, 16mm artist film programme curated by Paul Kuimet at Filmilindifestival 2019, Järva-Jaani vanatehnika varjupaik, 17 Aug 9:30pm
Published by Lugemik. Printed matter from 2010–2019, Estonian Museum of Applied Art and Design (ETDM), 18 May – 1 September 2019
Kunstnikuvestlus: Anu Vahtra dialoogis Paul Kuimetiga, Kumu Art Museum 25.04. 6 pm
A Conversation with Marge Monko, published in the catalogue of Marge Monko’s solo exhibition Diamonds Against Stones; Museum Folkwang/Spector Books
Double Feature conversation with Schirn Kunsthalle curator Matthias Ulrich

International Studio & Curatorial Program, New York City, 1 Oct – 30 Nov 2018
Tique Art Paper – Paul Kuimet ‘Five Volumes’ exhibition documentation
Trial and Error: Artists Moving Image Programme, curated by Kulla Laas & Kaisa Maasik, Tramway, Glasgow 12 Nov – 18 Nov 2018
Fall Open Studios, International Studio & Curatorial Program (ISCP),
New York City, 9 – 10 Nov 2018
"Hiline pärastlõuna", Marge Monko intervjuu Paul Kuimetiga, Sirp 12.10.
Kus on nüüd?, Ann Mirjam Vaikla, Sirp 12.10.
Paul Kuimet: Five Volumes, solo exhibition at Narva Art Residency,
curated by Nico Anklam, 30 Sept – 11 Nov 2018
Karmil kunstiväljal ellujääja Wiels, Sirp 31.08.
Double Feature, Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt am Main, 27 August, 7:30 pm
Archaelogy of the Screen, curated by Eha Komissarov & Triin Tulgiste,
Kumu Art Museum, 6 July – 14 Oct 2018
WIELS Residency Programme, Brussels, 1 Jan – 30 June, 2018
Book launch of Notes on Space. Monumental Painting in Estonia 1947–2012 & Conversation with Paul Kuimet, Gregor Taul & Laura Herman.
WIELS Auditorium, 20.04.2018, 16:00
Process Film Festival, Riga. Baltic Experimental programme, curated by Ieva Balode, 23rd March 2018
Paul Kuimet / Nina Schuiki – Space Coordinates, curated by Nico Anklam, WNTRP, Berlin, 12 January – 03 March 2018
Beate Scheder, Zeit, die nicht endet, Fenster, die keine sind, TAZ.DE 25.01.2018

Tell me about the ones who sleep through storms: Films and Videos from the Baltics, Toronto International Film Festival's Wavelengths Series, curated by Erik Martinson, 10 Dec 2017
The Archeology of the Screen. The Estonian Example, curated by Eha Komissarov, BOZAR Centre for Fine Arts, Brussels, 14 Sept – 12 Nov 2017
Presentation of new 16 mm film titled Golden Home at Image Drain, a group exhibition curated by Anthea Buys at Tallinn Art Hall 1 Sept – 8 Oct. The film was produced with the support of Estonia 100 art programme 100 Art Landscapes & Tallinn Art Hall.
Poppositions 2017, "DON'T AGONIZE, ORGANIZE!" 20 – 23 April 2017, Brussels
Notes on Space in Kassel.
Ausstellung im öffentlichen Raum: Die vielen Bilder einer Stadt
Paul Kuimet: Perpendicular, solo exhibition at the Contemporary Art Museum of Estonia (EKKM) 12.11.–11.12.
Paul Kuimet's Crepuscular Intentions, an essay by Chris Sharp from the publication accompanying the exhibition Perpendicular at EKKM at Mousse Magazine.
Perpendicular – Tique art paper.
Indrek Grigor. Kunstiministeerium. Kriitikute produktiivsest frustratsioonist Paul Kuimetist kirjutamisel.
2060 screened at Kumu Art Film Festival 01.10.
Discussion: Contemporary photography – the limits and materiality of the medium at the Photographic Art Fair 2016.
Notes on Space and the essay Underneath by Daniel C Blight on OST SEE Mag. The text was first published by Lugemik at the exhibition Notes on Space. Photos by Paul Kuimet at Kumu Art Museum in 2013.
Late Afternoon, solo exhibition at Tallinn City Gallery 18.06–24.07.
Merle Luhaäär, It's Late Afternoon, exhibition review at Echo Gone Wrong.
Reet Varblane, Autori diktaat ja selle lõpp, Sirp 22.07.2016
Momentary Monumentality, main exhibition of Kilometre of Sculpture 2016, curated by Anna Virtanen, Rakvere 02.07−24.07.
The Baltic Pavilion. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania at the 15th International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia 2016
Solo exhibition at Espace Photographique Contretype, Brussels
From Explosion to Expanse. Estonian Contemporary Photography 1991–2015
Tartu Art Museum 20.11.2015–28.02.2016
EKKMi rändnäitus KOHATU (Elvas) 16.1.–21.2.2016